Everyday Peace

We are all too familiar with the scenes we see and hear on the news. Every day, we are exposed to stories of violence, chaos, and destruction. We can’t help but feel a profound sense of sadness and despair when we see the state of our world. But what can we do? How can we turn the tide of violence and hatred? The answer lies in the power of Personal Excellence and Everyday-Peace.

Everyday-Peace is about more than just avoiding conflict. It’s about actively seeking out ways to make the world a better place. It’s about practicing kindness and compassion, putting ourselves in the shoes of others, and taking action to make a positive difference in the lives of those around us.

We can start by treating one another with respect and dignity. We can reach out to those who are different from us and offer a helping hand. We can strive to be better listeners and communicators, to really hear and understand the perspectives of those around us. We can take the time to be intentional with our use of positive words and actions, and to think before we speak and act. National and world peace is possible but it starts with us.

It's easy to forget in the hustle and bustle of life that we all have a responsibility to strive for peace and realize that it cannot happen without each of us actively working to make it happen. We can't just turn a blind eye and pretend that everything is okay any longer. Instead, we must step up and recognize that every single one of us has a role to play in creating a more harmonious and peaceful nation to become contagious for the same in our world.

The first step is to start within yourself. You have the power to choose to be kinder and more compassionate. You have the power to choose to show respect and understanding to those around you. You have the power to choose to show patience and acceptance to others who may look, feel, and think differently than you. You have the power to choose to be forgiving and understanding. The key point here is that you have power and the choice to choose, it only requires your permission. My question to you is “Why don’t we choose to give ourselves permission to choose to be better toward one another?” Is it that passive conformity is stronger than human compassion?

The second step is to recognize and appreciate the different cultures, beliefs and values that exist in the world. We all come from different backgrounds, and we all bring something unique and special to the table. We can learn from one another and grow together. We can recognize and appreciate the beauty of our differences and the strength that comes from unity – something so desperately needed today.

The third step is to take action. We can challenge ourselves to be the change we wish to see in our nations and in our world. We can take a stand against injustice, inequality, and intolerance. We can speak up and speak out against violence and hatred. We can lead by example and put into practice the values of peace, respect, understanding, and unconditional love.

The fourth step is to spread the message of peace and hope. We can use our words and actions to create a ripple effect of peace and understanding. We can use our positive passions to inspire and motivate others’ desire to become better and to actually be better. We can use our platforms to share stories and ideas that promote peace and understanding.

Finally, we can, and we must all take the time to appreciate the beauty of life – being alive on this

Earth. We can strive for peace every day and commit to making our nations and our world a better place for everyone, not just for many and some. Everyday-Peace starts with each one of us. It is not just something we talk about, instead, it is something we must actively work towards by rolling up our moral and ethical sleeves and putting in the work to achieve it. Let's make it our mission to be the best versions of ourselves and to create a more peaceful and harmonious world. We can each make a difference, and together we can create both domestic and world peace. We all should begin to look for the good in every situation and be grateful for the blessings of peace and understanding that always remains achievable as long as we remain agreeable. Each of us can be courageous in challenging ourselves to become better versions of ourselves through Personal Excellence. We can be courageous in our pursuit of personal excellence and strive to become the best possible versions of ourselves.

The truth that my heart sees… Please indulge me?

Make a fist. Extend your fist forward. Turn it upside down. Focus on your fingers. Open your hand. Now look at what’s inside your hand? What do you see?... What you have in your hand is – Peace.

Remember, every time you open your hands – there is Peace within them and another opportunity to use it to heal hurt, build joy, and mold a brighter future dying to live. And it’s Everyday-Peace within your hands. Everyday-Peace is that peace that is always available – only to you – that will allow you to touch and tune lives with acts of kindness. You, yes you, have the power of Everyday-Peace that will allow you to touch and tune lives each and every day. You are just that powerful! Yes, you! I’m talking to you! YOU ARE JUST THAT POWERFUL! Touch and tune lives with Everyday-Peace. ONLY YOU HAVE THE POWER OVER YOU TO MAKE YOU DO THE THINGS YOU DO! Be well.


Your Heart Must Dream