Am I Who I Say I AM?

Most people will agree that having a job is a good thing. It affords you an opportunity to make money which can be used to pay for your needs and wants. How much of the needs and wants that you have and can afford is dependent upon the amount of money that you make. For most jobs, applicants typically have to endure a job interview as part of a pre-employment screening process. During the job interview, the interviewer typically asks a series of standard employee interview questions. 

One of the most popular interview questions is, “Tell me about yourself.” Most wise people prepare for this interview in advance by researching popular answers on the web, in magazines and in books. On the day of the interview they rehearse their answer, embellished with details specifically designed to impress the interviewer in hopes to land that job. Indulge me. Let us pretend that you are this job applicant and that I am the interviewer. The interview begins and I ask you the question, “Tell me about yourself.”

As you begin to respond, a bit of stress typically kicks in, but you, however, are able to effectively recall and recite for me your rehearsed and embellished answer. Although I may have been impressed by your answer, the important question is, were you impressed? If you were, I feel that you must ask yourself why. I believe that we must all strive to be persons of positive substance. I also believe that we must eat the truth to speak the truth. A steady diet is recommended. After answering the question of why you were impressed, reference your embellished description of self, you must therefore ask yourself this important question, “Am I who I say I am?”

Am I the ultimate team player I described? Am I the compassionate leader I proclaimed? Am I the self-starter that fell off my lips? Am I the disciplined winner I claim to be? Only you know the truth. Only you know what you have done and what you do. We are talking about your You; that person inside; that steady diet of truth. You must never be afraid to be you. This is your right in the world. All other persons are taken and accounted for, so why try and be someone else when you have you; that beautiful being, the only person left in this world to be. So why not be your You? There is literally no one else you can actually be. They are all taken and accounted for and that is a fact.

You see, it’s okay to feel good, and if you don’t, will yourself to feel good, because the complexities of life can and will make you feel bad otherwise. But it’s all in the mind.  It starts with the heart, which will feed and nurture the personal power that will go up to the mind and inspire your body to act on the inspiration received. The reality is, the human body will do whatever the mind tells it to do. The body is servant to the mind. So will yourself to that high realm of creativity. Will yourself to that realm of feeling good - feeling good about being alive; feeling good about having another chance - because you are alive today and you did not wake up dead. 

You must also realize that in order to achieve success, you must give up something to get something. I have found that you cannot win if you don’t give in to giving all of your all. You cannot win if you are not willing to dedicate yourself totally to the fulfillment of your dream. You cannot win if you have decided in your heart that you are going to cheat not only yourself, but you are going to cheat your way to success. There is no way to actually have real success if you have embarked upon cheating. You see, cheating is a copout. By cheating you are saying, “I want to have the end results of success, but I don’t want to give all that it takes to get it - to get it honestly, to get it fairly.”

You cannot win if you don’t give in to total self-discipline, total self-dedication, and inspired undaunted action. Don’t expect to expect to be given anything; but what you can expect, you can expect yourself to raise the bar of excellence. You should expect yourself to rise to a higher height. Expect yourself to keep pushing when others are quitting. Expect yourself to get eager and hungry when others are lazy and full. Expect yourself to run when others have ceased walking. Expect yourself to keep lifting when others have dropped the ball. Expect yourself to win. Expect yourself to give in to total self-dedication and total self-discipline. Expect yourself to expect yourself. Get to know you and be only YOU!  It will afford you the power to confidently answer the question: “Am I Who I Say I Am?”

Don’t expect or bet on a miracle. Bet on YOU!  

I love you.


Journey to excellence