Celebrate Your YOU

From a man whose heart has been pledged to respect, honor, and cherish women, I write. Dear Woman, perhaps you may have been feeling a bit unattractive, unappreciated, unnoticed, unloved, and even unwanted.  I want you to know that it all can stop now!  I believe that for this to happen, you must first find your “You” – that person living silently in the back of your self-conscious mind within you - and embrace it to inspire self-love and self-confidence within your soul.  Deep? This is where we should be because we are now addressing a serious matter of personal importance –“YOU”.  You see, YOU comprise all of your being as a human and that is significant and worthy of serious thought, consideration, and meaningful evaluation. 

How well do you know YOU?  Are you really who you say you are? Or, are you existing only as the person others have speculated and told you that you are? Think about this for a moment? Are your really who you say you are? Do you truly possess actual self-wisdom of and in YOU? Knowing thyself is key to the mental wealth of knowledge of self and the ability to harness personal power.

You must take time to make time to get to know your YOU. This is your right! You only get ONE LIFE to LIVE! So why not get to know the ONE PERSON DESIGNATED TO LIVE IT! You must accentuate YOU, both internally and externally.  Enjoy your life my friend!  Reach for the stars! Dream above routine imagination! It is okay to do that, YOU are just that important! Find and celebrate your greatest YOU that has been patiently waiting inside! How long must that Best Friend wait? Enjoy your “You” and celebrate her too!  

It is my hope to educate men within this same process of enlightenment.  It is apparent to me that the eyes of many men continue to fall victim to the deception of beauty perpetuated by the media thus influencing them to blindly overlook pure beauty and pure love within their lives.  How sad! How sad for the many hearts that have been betrayed and neglected because of this. Relationships have been torn. Families have been broken. The love within many hearts have been destroyed. We were born to love, not hate and destroy. But, somehow we have been taught and conditioned to believe and behave otherwise. I dare you to do deep introspection searching for the real YOU! I believe what you will find will draw internal tears of love from your heart when you find it. I know because it happened to me years ago.

So, no matter where you live, no matter where you came from, no matter how much or how little money you have, no matter the color of your skin, no matter how much you weigh, no matter how many relationships were a mistake, no matter how many rejections you have had to withstand, no matter how many lies you have received, no matter how many compliments have missed you – YOUR BEST FRIEND IS AND HAS ALWAYS BEEN WITH YOU.  YOUR BEST FRIEND IS Your YOU!

I love you.

I invite your comments.


Adoration & Appreciation