Adoration & Appreciation

Welcome to Woman TLC – the place where a woman can rest her mind in the mental arms of adoration and appreciation. It is an inviolable place of gratitude and respect designed for her heart to obtain precious optimism and that needed recharge. Woman TLC is hosted and led by a man. It is a place that provides a mental cuddle with a man’s voice, soul, and adoration for women. I am Kevin Rowe and I am infinitely honored to present this venue specifically designed for women and dedicated to women for the purpose of inspiring and comforting their hearts as the ills of the world conspire otherwise. I seek to message the walls of her mind to satisfy fantasy, optimism, and hope without the existence of touch. My mind shall ever wrap around her essence to encourage her personal power and personal growth. My duty to her heart - is to be noble. Woman TLC shall always be a place of tranquility and positivity. Negativity is not welcome here. There is only one focus for Woman TLC - which is providing the minds and hearts of women tender loving care. I love women and I am committed to inspiring them, protecting them, honoring them, encouraging them, and loving the entire essence of them. For it is the woman who has saved humanity from extinction. Think about that. If it were not for the woman, the only human capable of bearing children, humanity would have suffered extinction. Look around, humanity physically lives on….but the true love, respect, and adoration for women remains in jeopardy by a society seemingly taking her true contributions to the world for granted. 

Woman TLC shall be a place where excellence will be sprinkled over everything rendered. We will explore real and relevant issues and I will seek to provide and/or direct effective solutions. I don’t claim to have all the answers, but what I do offer is an experienced heart of love, true adoration, effective leadership, integrity, unconditional love, and personal excellence. I would be honored to have you subscribe and join me in this unique mental suite. Be well.

I love you.


Woman, WHO IS SHE?


Celebrate Your YOU