Woman, WHO IS SHE?

  Who is she? Is she the rays of a rainbow so colorful and bright? Is she the storms of the sky that erupts when filled with combustive negative precipitation? Is she the peace of a man's tranquility so profound and so present? Is she the planter that plants the emotional seeds of spiritual food that nurtures both the psyche and body of mankind? Is she the baker that bakes the delicacies and guilty pleasures of life? Is she the seamstress that sews the threads of togetherness and unity often overlooked? Is she the machinist that carves out the designs of peace? Is she the pilot highly skilled and determined that flies effectively through the aerial minefields and ground battles of war? Is she the physician that treats and bandages the physical and emotional wounds of man? Is she the spiritual orthodontist that straightens out and preserves the smiles of the world?  

Is she the investment guru that wisely invests her being inside the futures of man in this ever evolving world? Is she the prisoner who quietly serves time and undo punishment for crimes she knows not which are supported by elusive fabrication? Is she the angel that is on leave from heaven passionately blessing the lives of mankind? Is she the lone, moral advocate and martyr of love itself? Is she the institution of learning that enlightens and tunes the lives of the world's people? Is she the mortal and spiritual glue that connects and holds a family together? Is she the humble servant of God and humanity ever joyously inspired, seeking love and for it continuously striving? Is she the face of true beauty heavenly designed and infinitely endowed – yet consistently misunderstood? Is she the voice of love that is often silenced by the roars of individualism and egocentrism? Is she the symbol of unbridled desire loose in the airways of pleasure and principle alike?

Woman, who is she? The logic of man has its limitations and because of it we are left to wonder about things that fail to receive full explanation. Woman, oh woman, how you defy wisdom. How wonderful you are to shed splendor without effort when it is needed most. Wise is he who can honestly and openly define that which she is Woman. Wise is he who can see that which cannot be seen unless viewed from within the windows of a woman's soul. Wise is he who can hold comfort within his me that he may effectively be that which the knowledge of her soul will compel him to strive to be.  

It is what it is and it is what it shall always be. It shall always be a reality that is seldom genuinely sought after. That reality is TRUTH. Truth is the elusive intangible often lost in translation and in personal motivation. Woman, who is she? Is she what you want her to be? Is she what you selfishly need her to be? Is she what you believe her to be? Why oh why is this beautiful creature of God's masterful hand so misunderstood, so unappreciated, yet so desired? I speak of this heavenly designed being with great reverence and with special adoration for it is from she that we all were effectively and wondrously given our very own me (life). That alone should be enough for man to adore the soles of her feet which daily walk the varied trails of sacrifice and unconditional love. It is these same feet that tread the waters of uncertainty with grace and muted pain while carrying her soul to its internal place of safety within love's internal basin.  

Man should adore her legs that never tire though constantly asked to walk over and under abusive words thrown at her as missiles of anger and malice. It is these same legs that stand for the rights of children, though some legs are snuffed out and never live to mature. And in those particular legs, lie exception. Man should adore her hips and derriere because together they afford her the ability to sit and patiently wait for those things promised that never come. They afford her the ability to place sensuality within denim and dresses alike inspiring even old men to instigate a passionate wish. Man should adore her breasts because it is her breasts that provide the succulent nutrition that sustains infant life and romantic life alike. It is her breasts that accentuate desire within the frontal lobes of man's imagination while inspiring inspiration.  

Man should adore her shoulders because it is her shoulders that carry the burdens of her life, his life, and life itself. It is her shoulders, though often soft, that are the T-joint of her back's ultimate strength. It is her shoulders that allow her to stand erect when her pride and confidence have been bent. Man should adore a woman’s arms because they ever hold good will within their embrace. It is her arms that lift her hands of peace and creativity for which lives are effectively tuned by the subliminal lessons shared through each meaningful touch. Man should adore her neck which supports her head which insulates and protects female wisdom and genius embedded inside while ever promoting the luscious lips, sensitive nose, and soulful eyes of a mortal goddess. Each of these attributes are divinely shaped, filled, and colored according to modest salacious elegance unique to each. For this, man should adore each of a woman’s lips so full of loving tenderness. For this, man should adore each sensitive nose which picks up his masculine scent and registers it upon her heart. For this, man should adore each set of soulful eyes full of honest beauty and truth directly connected to her living soul. To further accentuate this divine goddess is her splendid locks of hair adorned uniquely upon and from her head in harmony with her facial attributes.

Even after all of this, unfortunately, it seems that man still has difficulty seeing her all that she is and all that she can and will be! “Woman, Who Is She?”

I love you. Be well.


Don’t Stop Believing In Love


Adoration & Appreciation