Can You See Her Soul?

Can you see her soul hidden deep within the layers of her being nestled within that interminable basin.  The soul is the self, the "I", that "me" that inhabits the body and acts through it. Without the soul, the body is like a computer without the software.  Without the soul, my friend, the body is like a light bulb without electricity. You get the picture?  The soul plays an important role in defining and describing the person we really are.  The soul whispers softly unspoken words of our most intimate desires.  The soul silently screams forth the needs we can't begin to speak.  It is the soul that wears our brightest banner of our life's purpose.  The soul reflects the real in real that we profess to be.  Wow! The soul is so very special and so very concentrated with love, dreams, passions, and emotions entwined.  

I ask you now and yet again, man can you see her soul?  You're with her!  You're next to her!  Man, can you see the soul of a woman when your eyes adorn and encounter her being?  Man, can you determine who she is by your eyes' sight?  Man, oh confident man, can you understand her needs simply by awaiting and consuming the words that fall from her lips upon your ears?  Can you hear her speak without her speaking actual words?  I ask you, can you feel what she is feeling without experiencing physical contact by touch?  If cornered to answer, most men will probably mistakenly state that they understand and know women.  Most men would probably go as far as to claim that they actually know the woman they profess to know and love.  However, reality, when examined empirically, would probably reveal less knowledge actually possessed.  

Know this, love becomes more fulfilling when souls become visible to the eyes of the essence of two committed hearts. Man see her soul; Woman see his soul; they will speak the truth necessary for the hearts to make an informed decision about loving and commitment.

I love you. Be well.


She Knows


Don’t Stop Believing In Love