She Knows

Must I spell out letters of words so familiar, necessary, but ever understated? Love's exploration serves as proper motivation solidified within the cerebral walls of a precious mind that seeks destiny. It quietly and sufficiently serves as delectable cuisine to the heart's hunger for intricate pleasure.

So elegant. So sweet. Filled with emotions compelled. Unable to speak. Somehow, she does it, now, and again, and once again she finds and shall find the attitude and magnitude obedient to destiny's call.

Stroking the back of malice received, after experiencing its painful sting. She knows.

Enduring the callus whip of cruel words. She knows.

Forsaking personal success for love and the ones. She knows.

Disciplined to speak softly but clever to use words that possess indomitable volume. She knows.

Faithfully supports the support not mutually reciprocated. She knows.

Graciously surrenders self evermore without reciprocation nor secured adoration. She knows.

How can this be that such a beautiful being continues to exist in an intelligent world of sophistication without equality's proper attention nor warranted recognition? This travesty must not ever find infinite perpetuation. If knowledge is power and power dares to equal freedom, how free will the intellect of our country, of our world, allow us to be?

When all is said and done, and lost morals continue to place love on the run, she shall be our remaining glimmer of hope. And that hope shall ever rest cuddled somewhere within this fact – "She Knows".


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