What Does Impossible Mean To A Woman?

What does impossible mean to a woman? Allow me a few moments within time to briefly examine this most relevant question of analysis?  Merriam-Webster defines the word impossible as "incapable of being or of occurring." After many years of study and observation in the laboratory of life, I have found the woman, her, she, to be extraordinarily endowed with intuition and fortitude. I absolutely love the woman for she can flawlessly bear the face of an angel, the structure of a goddess, and the grace of a queen. I humbly state what is to follow from my learned heart and mind instructed by a life touched, raised, and uniquely tuned by amazing women.  You see, she, that infinite flower of power, has made S stand for Strong, H stand for Hope, and E stand for Entity (i.e., Strong Hope Entity) in the word SHE infinitely.

Just as she stands, after rising each morning, standing alone within herself, about herself, surrounded by all of her, she briefly reflects. She is gorgeous above gorgeous, poised, and ready to make her day, your day, somebody’s day, amazing because she stepped into it. She can render sagacious thought to the many spontaneous complexities of life. She selflessly uses the same to make a difference in the lives of others even though the residuals are usually of some personal cost to her. Why does she continue to do for others when most won’t? It is part of her personal DNA to give in give-less situations. Regarding matters of the heart, it is part of her DNA to notice even the smallest of detail and care when the same is not obvious to all involved. She is not perfect. She shall never be perfect. Nevertheless, she is still worth loving. Nevertheless, she is still worth appreciating and respecting. I repeat, Nevertheless, she is still worth loving! Nevertheless, she is still worth appreciating and respecting!

...And just when you think she is about to fall, she finds the courage from the deep caverns of her heart to sojourn just a little more, and a little more, and a little more, often without the luxury of well-intentioned help. It is simply amazing to me how a woman can find mental, physical, and spiritual pathways through her subconscious-being to love deeply in the absence of love.  How is this so? Is it that she is barren of self-respect? Is it that she is depleted of pride? Is it that she is destitute of courage? I think not. I believe that based upon the many lies rendered to her discerning ears and vivacious eyes, she has developed the unique ability to adapt whatever it may be to an internal duty to goodness, grace, family, and unconditional love.

She may walk the floors of worry yet comforted by hopeful feet. She may sweep the decks of disgust yet promote optimism for improvement. She may hold all heads of sadness within her bosom yet remain ever filled with unconditional love. She may cleverly extract love from lovelessness and never murmur a word about the same. She may mount sweet pieces of peace upon the shoulders of war, yet never seek glory or personal credit. She may work for all that she desires, you desire, and we desire - devoid of fatigue, yet never miss a beat. She may secretly crave even a minute morsel of appreciation, yet often not be allowed to taste it. She often walks in the shadows of a man while simultaneously carrying his burdens along with hers and often tames herself to never speak of it. She teaches, she nurtures, she nourishes, she protects, she encourages, she loves, and she diligently cultivates the minds of her children all while simultaneously doing the same for her man.

Your mind may now ask what does the word impossible mean to a woman? I believe the word impossible makes no appearance in the mind of a woman because she simply can't afford it.


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